Firestorm Armada: Enforcer Class Frigate
Posted by: Mick on 2012-01-26 21:21:26A while ago a bought a couple of starter fleets for Firestorm Armada, the space combat game from Spartan Games. True to form, I never got around to painting anything. However, Spartan has recently released new ships for the game, including some very impressive dreadnoughts. Needless to say I was tempted to order some, but I felt guilty about buying more when I already had so many of their beautiful figures sitting around unpainted. Strangely, I actually did something about it.
These are Enforcer class frigates from the Directorate faction. The Directorate line has a flying saucer / Star Trek style to it. These were undercoated with Citadel Chaos Black. The raised, armour-like surfaces were basecoated with Citadel Red Gore while the stuff in between was painted Citadel Boltgun Metal. The engine exhaust was painted Citadel Sunburst Yellow, but if I could do it again I'd probably go with a blue. Everything (except the engine) was washed with Citadel Badab Black and the red surfaces were dry-brushed with Citadel Blood Red. Overall, I like how they turned out. Plus they're a lot easier to turn out than 15mm tommies.